This will be an inspiring 6 week belly dance series with live music for $60 paid up front via Paypal to Alicia's gmail address. Classes will be capped at 5 students, so sign up and pay to reserve your spot before the class is full! Classes will be from 7-8pm on Giles St Ithaca Wednesdays Oct 16, 23, 30 and Wednesdays Nov 6, 13, 20 Sign up here Highlights from the Summer of Belly Dance Class Series 2019 This is a special class. We dance to live music. We focus on the essence of key Middle Eastern rhythms and some movement vocabulary that goes with them, and

If there’s anything that my gypsy soul loves, it is wearing big skirts and spinning beneath the moon at the Pennsic Medieval Festival. I am so happy sleeping on the ground after hours of dancing. I smell campfire smoke in my hair and I dream as drum beats filter through my tent walls. Pennsic is not just a two-week festival with 10,000 DnD nerds armed with medieval weapons bludgeoning each other on the battlefield. It is also drum circles of people belly dancing around fires until the break of dawn. There are artisans and artists everywhere. Live music pours out of camps. There are