Summer of Belly Dance Series in Ithaca 2019

Highlights from the Summer of Belly Dance Series 2019

#1. Sensual Chiftitelli and Maqsum Basics (posture, technique and some best practices) 

#2. Classic belly dance moves for the loved song Lamma Bada: snake arms, classic arms, down mayas, up mayas, 3 step turn

More Lamma Bada ideas:

#3. Sensual Chiftitelli review and Sassy Saidi 

#4. Beledi: Dancing with Your Besties

#5. Short Choreo Duets

#6. Belly Dancing to Electronic Music: 5 Key Moves to Flow


Tips to help you get the most out of my belly dance classes:

  1. Wear whatever you want to dance in, as long as it is not noisy and getting dressed up does not make you late
  2. Bring a lidded water bottle and drink water freely
  3. Arrive at least 10 minutes before class so you are ready at 7pm
  4. Silence your cell phone before class. Make this class a really fun hour long meditation. Stay focused and present.
  5. If you are frustrated in class, take a deep breath, smile, and try again. After that, it’s time to ask questions. Try to learn with your body first.
  6. If you are in pain, please stretch or step out of the room if you need to or ask for a modification. Not every move is for everyone. Let’s find the moves you love and the challenging moves you want to master.
  7. If you need a longer warm up, come early and start warming up on your own before class begins.
  8. Aim to get 1 thing you will incorporate into your life and dance from each lesson. If you try to get a lot, sometimes you end up with nothing 🙂 If you realize what that 1 thing is during the class, put both hands over your head to celebrate and you’ll be more likely to remember. And I’ll know you got it.