Summer of Belly Dance Series in Ithaca 2019

Highlights from the Summer of Belly Dance Series 2019
#1. Sensual Chiftitelli and Maqsum Basics (posture, technique and some best practices)
#2. Classic belly dance moves for the loved song Lamma Bada: snake arms, classic arms, down mayas, up mayas, 3 step turn
More Lamma Bada ideas:
#3. Sensual Chiftitelli review and Sassy Saidi
#4. Beledi: Dancing with Your Besties
#5. Short Choreo Duets
#6. Belly Dancing to Electronic Music: 5 Key Moves to Flow
Tips to help you get the most out of my belly dance classes:
- Wear whatever you want to dance in, as long as it is not noisy and getting dressed up does not make you late
- Bring a lidded water bottle and drink water freely
- Arrive at least 10 minutes before class so you are ready at 7pm
- Silence your cell phone before class. Make this class a really fun hour long meditation. Stay focused and present.
- If you are frustrated in class, take a deep breath, smile, and try again. After that, it’s time to ask questions. Try to learn with your body first.
- If you are in pain, please stretch or step out of the room if you need to or ask for a modification. Not every move is for everyone. Let’s find the moves you love and the challenging moves you want to master.
- If you need a longer warm up, come early and start warming up on your own before class begins.
- Aim to get 1 thing you will incorporate into your life and dance from each lesson. If you try to get a lot, sometimes you end up with nothing 🙂 If you realize what that 1 thing is during the class, put both hands over your head to celebrate and you’ll be more likely to remember. And I’ll know you got it.